How to set alerts for QC forms

This post will cover how to add alerts for your laboratories.

Brannon Hogue

3/11/20242 min read

In this article we are going to explore how LabQCPro's form alerts can assist you in keeping the QC flow in your lab as painless as possible. This means the days you are in the lab, you can get same day push notifications and emails when technician forms are not filled out in time.

In order to stay CAP and JCAHO compliant, labs are required to fill out quality control forms. When speaking to lab professionals, making sure the forms are filled out everyday is a chore. When the forms are not done, remedial action is required.

Going back would include documenting where the quality control issue arose and writing how it can be prevented. This is the last thing you want to do later in the week when monday's daily quality control from was not filled.

  1. Go to your preferred QC Form on either the mobile app or website, we will be using the website for this example

Quality Control Form Alerts in LabQCPro

LabQCPro quality control form list on website admin.
LabQCPro quality control form list on website admin.
  1. Tap the bell icon on the form you would like to set an alert for.

Quality control form tab with a square around the bell that signifies notifications
Quality control form tab with a square around the bell that signifies notifications
  1. Set your desired days you would like the alert set for.

The pop up tab that comes up when you select the bell on the QC form tab. Allows you to select dates
The pop up tab that comes up when you select the bell on the QC form tab. Allows you to select dates
  1. Scroll down and select the desired time and timezone you would like the alert to notify you at and tap save.

NOTE: You need to have a verified email on your account to recieve email notifications, and the iOS/Android app is needed to recieve push notifications

Same tab but farther down and allows you to create times for your alerts.
Same tab but farther down and allows you to create times for your alerts.

You're all set! You will get a push notification to your phone if you are enrolled in push notifications and an email only if it is the set time of day and there hasn't been a form submitted yet.